Seasons Bleezings!

The title says it all, from the Krej Krew we hope all of you (yes all two of you) have a happy holidays!

OK enough of that. So what's been up with Krej you ask? At first glance not much. In actuality a lot under the surface has happened.

Steven, Trent and Grantzy just finished their improv classes at the Relapse Theater. A big congrats goes out to them for sticking with the 8 month class. As has been stated before we are making some strong connections with the good people at Relapse.

In other news, the painstakingly slow editing of "Of Rats and Men" has grinded to a complete stop. The plan was to have a "damn close to final cut" done by Christmas. Do to recent events it looks like we might finish sometime in the later part of this decade. I wouldn't advise you on holding your breath.

As for me, my plan this winter is to alienate myself from everyone so I can get some writing done. When not doing that I will follow suit with my Krej Kompatriots and be taking improv classes. I can only hope this proves to be a huge embarrassing failure.

Speaking of huge embarrassing failures I just recently took a trip to Salt Lake City and attempted to ski. Let me take this moment to rant about how much I now loathe that sport. I am almost died twice. It didn't help that me and my friend Keegan accidentally got on the wrong lift and ended up on the advanced mountain.

There was however a moment of joy whilst my body was falling down the mountain (I say that because what I was doing would never be considered skiing). It was euphoric for a brief moment, but then I crashed and the reality of my plight was restored. The bar there was pretty nice though, had a nice cup of chili while I waited for feeling to return to my extremities and nursed my aching body.

We continue to truck a long here at Krej. 2010 was a good year for networking. With some hard work we might be able to use that to have a very fruitful 2011.

Like last year I will be doing a Top 10 Movies of the year. With a bit of luck I will have that done sooner then later.

Well I can't think anything else to type that any of you would really care about, so peace!

Jeff K


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