A Break to Blog

While I wait for some delicious chicken wings to arrive at my doorstep, I'll find a way to entertain you for a time.

When I was a kid, I drew on my walls, on desks, on tables and whatever was within reach. One would think I'd be a great graffiti artist but instead I decided (after a numerous few time-outs and no supply of drawing materials) drawing on paper kept me out of trouble and I could actually KEEP it rather than watching it get wiped from previous surfaces.

When I was a kid, I was not your average girl. No barbies for me, please, let me have a GI Joe or He-Man. Ghost Busters or Ninja Turtles. When I grow up, I want to to have a Transformer as a friend! No skirts, I hated dresses and frilly things, please don't perm my hair or scar me for life with make up kits. I liked bugs, I liked snakes, lizards, bees, mud, getting dirty. I liked bringing dead things home to show my dad, "Look what I found!"

As an adult (Hahaha, I'm old) who's gone through art college, marriage, I haven't changed much. Actually I'd say I haven't changed much at all. Admittedly I've grown a little fonder of "girly" clothes like skirts and flattering shirts, but all in all I would still rather be outside playing in my vegetable garden, watching birds, and drawing whatever comes to me.

As an illustrator I've worked a few times in the industry, note worthy of mention would be World of Warcraft (Blizzard) where I produced spot illustrations for their Lands of Mystery and Alliance Players Guide table top RPG's. I've also been lucky to provide over 170+ illustrations for Dreadmire of Spellbinder Games. I've done work for OrbisGames.com, where an amazingly enormous userbase can raise, train, breed, sell and event their virtual dogs, horses, and other animals. Older works were part of Elements of Magic from way back in the day.

My Ancient of Lore, still my favorite!

My personal work in progress is www.TalaNynn.com, an ever growing fantasy world which has been trickling through my mind since forever. On the side I take private commissions from pets and wildlife to fantasy from anyone who's interested, and since I work from home doing artwork is normally pretty straight forward and no nonsense, www.SummerDragoness.com contains those works.

From Tala'Nynn, Abigale and her family friend, Chris

Doing artwork is like breathing, so I am happy to be part of the KREJ group, participating in character designs, storyboarding, and all that jazz. Oh, and being a crazy Gypsy Woman, that's fun!

As for my interest in wildlife/pets/things that go bump in the night- I own 3 widow spiders. Two brown widows and one very large black widow. Yes they have names, yes they are quirky, and no I don't give them belly rubs. We have a "zoo" room, specifically for the two large fish tanks, the 6 year old bearded dragon BobaFace, and our hissing cockroaches. For anyone who scoffs or eeks over these monstrous bugs, let me say that they have the silliest most charming personalities.

We also own 4 cats, 1 potato dog, and one day I swear I will get my hands on some laying hens.

So, my next stop is chicken wings which have dutifully arrived on time and look mighty tasty. But I look forward to working on Hero Sandwich and future KREJ Production material- Considering I've known these nuts for ten years, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my extended family ;)

Oh Zombie Chef, this is only the beginning.

Greetings and salutations!

Yes, it's true, lately I have been under the weather. It looks like I got a wicked case of Streptococcal Pharyngitis. I thought I was getting better yesterday, but when I awoke this morning, I was in a lot of pain, my left ear hurt like the dickens, a painful ear infection, and I could no longer even swallow pills, due to my throat being in excruciating pain.

So I went up to Clairmont road to see the wonderful folks of the North Atlanta Urgent Care establishment. Within about 10 minutes of arriving I was already in visiting a nurse and getting my vitals taken. They diagnosed me, gave me a shot of some steroids and sent me on my way with 2 prescriptions; one being liquid Augmentin, antibiotics, and the other being liquid hydrocodone (which by the way, RULES), to numb the maddening pain in my throat. Liquid prescription medicine, of course, because I couldn't even swallow a tiny ibuprofen this morning. So I left there and went to the kroger near KREJ HQ and came home with my meds, dosed up and passed out.

About 13 hours and 2 doses later, I am already feeling better, my ear doesn't hurt, and I can actually eat food other than soup and yogurt!! But it will still be a few days longer before I am back to 'normal'. But tomorrow I am going to hopefully finish the Tim & Katie trailer, then begin scanning character designs for Hero Sandwich and sending them to our lovely friend Hannah; who, as you all should already know, played the Gypsy woman in the first Tim & Katie.


I just ordered a new, more-better usb microphone for recording audio/vocals and whatever else we decide to do, but for right now we'll begin recording audio tracks for the first pilot episode of Hero Sandwich sometime next week. After I thought I was set on ordering a Blue Snowball mic, I kept reading reviews, and listening to samples I found online, and decided on purchasing a Samson G Track USB Microphone:

It's pretty snazzy. I got a cradle mount too. Stoked to give it some test runs this weekend! will be uploading samples on this here blog.

 Late last week I was even testing out a script for use in Adobe After Effects, for setting up rigging and controllers to apply Inverse Kinematics into 2D animated characters. below is a quick little sample I made watching a tutorial in a couple hours. I put in the Flying V cause I had been listening to a ton of Jay Reatard (RIP <3).

I cant freakin wait to do some work on backgrounds for Hero Sandwich! Also, with the onset of production for HS, Hannah will begin blogging on here as well!! YAY!! There is also talk of fan art and concept art for Tim & Katie being released in the future. So our media section of the site is going to be expanding to suit the different categories.


In other, more annoying news, my slingbox has started to malfunction, so I did a bunch of online research and found out its a pretty common problem, like red rings for xboxes. Weak. So tonight I took mine apart to find that, yes indeed, my capacitors were pretty much fried and need to be replaced. Aforementioned capacitors:

:NERD RAGE: It really upsets me nowadays when companies are such jerks, that in order to save micro-pennies per unit, they use crappy components. This contraption cost like 100 bucks, and while it's a great unit when its working, the fact that something so simple and relatively easy to avoid is what leads to it's downfall, just pisses me off.

Also check out this free sample track Yeasayer are giving out -  Yeasayer - O.N.E  - from their forthcoming album, Odd Blood. Their debut album, All Hour Cymbals, was pretty excellent, and Odd Blood is starting to sound like it's only gonna get better with this wacky psychedelic / experimental Brooklyn trio. The initial single from Odd Blood, Ambling Alp was already a great release. Their music videos are just absolutely insane too. Check them out!

With nothing but love and 'tweenage angst,

(PEE. ESS. - It should also be noted that our google adsense ads are finally related to our intentions! so feel free to click stuff!)


Despite the lack of inter-web activity I assure there has been a lot going on for the Krej team.

First and foremost good ol Jerry is down for the count with some infection (I can neither pronounce nor spell it, so don't expect either from me). He just got a lot of meds, so I am sure he will be back up to snuff in no time.

Hero Sandwich!
Monday night Grantz, Steven and myself finished up a short script to test our animation prowess. And by "our" I mean Jerry and Hannah get to draw stuff while we have fun goofing doing voice overs. The plan is to record said audio next weekish. As for the final product, it will probably take months to animate. But then we will shop that around and send it to festivals, getting that puppy on adult swim would be sweet (but that is probably just a pipe dream)

Tim and Katie v2
Had a successful second reading and we patched up some minor plot holes. After a few more dialogue polishes we will probably shelve the script and start some new projects.

New Projects
Speaking of which, I am looking into shooting an actual film (on 8mm) over the summer. Got some ideas floating around in the ol noggin. Probably going to try and do a serious non-comedic project. Going to need a budget for that though, but I am not to proud to beg.

Well that appears to be all for now, I have been yelling at the other guys to post more. But until they do you have to put up with me and my inane babble.

Your Hero,
Jeff K

Avatar Smavatar

Just got back from Jim Cameron's Avatar. What an interesting film. I am pretty sure I really enjoyed it back when it was called "Dune" or "Dances with Wolves" or "The Matrix".

Stupid plot aside the visual effects were amazing. With the exception of Sam Worthington all the acting was superb to (Several times his aussie accent bled through and took me out of it).

The "War on terror" allegory became very tiresome as well. I get it Jimbo, you don't like the way good ol W did things out East. Hey here's an idea, why don't you take a que from your ex wife (Kathryn Bigelow) and actual do a movie on the middle east (Hurt Locker)?

The big problem I have with the film is they spent a lot of time and money on the effects. And they rock, man seeing it in 3d is an experience. But the plot is so lack luster. At no point will you not know what to expect. You see every thing coming a mile away.

Just seems like with a little more work on the script they could have had something really amazing.

I will spare you a rant on the concept of the Uncanny Valley (for now) and how it didn't help things either.

Until later I got some fine Polish Vodka to get to,

Your Hero,
Jeff K

To our facebook fans- Hi!

Hello and welcome, I can only hope many of you enjoy your visit here, I encourage you to check out our media page and maybe watch some Saving Suburbia. I wanted to thank you for coming to check out our website, and don't forget to check back often for updates on all the aspects of KREJ. We are currently working and tentatively planning filming another feature this summer, details will be forthcoming on that.

If for some unholy reason, you aren't already a fan of ours on Facebook, then go ahead and take a peak at this. But this site will be the primary source for all your KREJ needs. If you have found your way here from Facebook, if you would be so kind, post a comment here and let us know who you are, we'd love to hear from you!

There are several projects underway here at KREJ, in previous posts on this blog you can find snippets of information here and there, use the tags in the right column to narrow it down.

Enjoy and thanks for being one of our great fans!

Writing what have you...

Just finished working out the 3rd draft of the new Tim and Katie script. Saturday afternoon we are doing a live reading of it. Based on how it goes will edit/trim/cut/add what we need to finish it. This new version is pretty awesome, our best writing yet (yes even better then the fabled Team Proof script).

For once we have a plethora of projects to be working on over the next coming months (for writing anyway). Looks like actual production is shut down until the weather warms up (which it is, but shouldn't be because it's still January).

Sad news, Tim and Katie didn't get into the South by Southwest film festival. We didn't really stand much of chance, it's one of the bigger festivals. But it still has my spirits slightly down.

Other then that not much more to report from Krej HQ, oh yea supposedly Jerry is going to splice together a demo reel for us with some old school footage from the IETV days (even though those skits have not aged well at all).

Vell zat is all for now...NEIN!!!

Rube-y Tuesday

Steven finally signed up to post on The Daily Scuttlebutt!! Yaaaay!

Speaking of rubes, head on over to the Media page! Where I've posted some exclusive KREJ pics from the past. Including a set never before seen from when we were filming Tim & Katie (A Nice Little Love Story, With Zombies) up in Lawrenceville (ew, outside of the Atlanta perimeter - scary stuff).

Today I've been working on the media page of course, among other things, like a proper about us page, perhaps with an embellished 'History of KREJ' feature. Last night I added yahoo's media-player functionality to our blog, so mp3's can be played within the page itself. This will perhaps be used in the future for the posting of rants/raves/podcast-type-shows from us. But for right now, let's try it out with a song.

Best Coast - When I'm With You

Tonight there will be another writer's meeting, followed by a KREJ general assembly meeting. On the agenda to be discussed - Tim & Katie : REDUX, future projects, the possibility of an animated short for Hero Sandwich, & moving outside our comfort zone; à propos film-making, i.e. making non-comedies. SERIOUS FACE.

In other news, the weather has gotten pretty nice up here in Atlanta. Which is both good and bad, good; because I was tired of cold weather and ready for spring, but bad because, well... it's 61 degrees outside and I'm wearing shorts in the middle of January.

Well, that's all for now - catch ya next time, Global Warming notwithstanding.

(dictated but not read.)

Sunday Sunday Sunday!!

Spending most of today relaxing, watched some soccer earlier, and now watching nfl playoff goodness. Been thinking about what else to add to the site, and the idea of a KREJ origina story came about. Perhaps an animated featurette. Perhaps tales of fighting dragons and sketchy ex-bosses. Who knows. But big plans for this week, finishing up the Tim & Katie trailer, buffing up the about us/ media page on here, hoping IMDB finishes adding names to our production.

The Grub left KREJ HQ about an hour ago, and already, his presence is greatly missed. But we certainly had an interesting evening last night cooped up in the W hotel up in Buckhead. Supposedly Jeff K & The Grub were accosted by authorities due to their savage nature and standing out in a crowd in Buckhead. Upon our return we snuck in a quick viewing of Monty Python's Meaning of Life; always an excellent choice.

 So stay tuned this week for more KREJ updates, and more witty banter.

Smell ya later,
So, it is now technically my birthday. So awesome, It has already been off to a pretty good start. Taco Bell gave me an ass load of free food...only to give me my real present which is hours of side splitting diarrhea. Yay! That's what I am really looking forward to! So yup, happy birthday to me, and anyone who is jealous, this is what I say;

It's all fun and games

Until The Grub is puking in your bathroom...

ASSide from that last night was awesome. The live reading of Tim and Katie v2 went awesome. The Grub reading the roll of Katie was a magic moment. The romantic sequences between Grubster and Steven were beyond words.

Speaking of Steven, I want to point out this whole blog was his idea. And he has yet to sign up and/or post anything yet. Glad Steven is a team player

Oh yea finally got my directing credit on IMDB, go me!
I found this picture online, and thought I'd share.

This is me, in High School, as Mr. Collins in Pride and Prejudice. I was a bad ass in that play.

EDIT: Oh and that's dumb old Jennifer.
So, we finished a full table read tonight, and we were blessed with the all mighty GRUB reading Katie's line. Oh how steamy His and Steven's romance scenes were. It went awesome. The night was then followed up by a very steep downward spiral as the Kaminskinator, GRUB, and JeHeary (a.k.a. Jerry) wondered down the long and lonesome road of alcohol. Luckily they are alive, I got this info from Kamonster-minksi called me and wispered sweet drunkin' nothings in my ear. Jeheheeehairy ( a.k.a. Jerry) just mentioned he was losing a battle against vomit. NOICE.

Yours truly,
Mr. Whitmire


Been a pretty crappy week so far. World-wide mulligan? I think so. Ten's of thousands of lives lost in Haiti due to a massive Earthquake. A couple music-industry deaths this week including the incredible Jay Reatard (29) and the soulful Teddy Pendergrass(59).

But, it's Friday. And with that, it brings the arrival in a few hours (hopefully) of The Grub. That magnificent human being will be gracing us all with his presence one more time. And since Trent will be working tonight during our table-read for Tim & Katie: Redux, maybe he'll even read Trent's part. Who knows? We'll put him to work for sure, don't you worry. But yeah, table read tonight, at KREJ HQ? I think? nobody tells me nothin'.

Jeff K debated with me for ~5 minutes last night that he told me about some shindig tomorrow night, being a mutual friends' birthday party, at a bar, pretty specific details that I'm sure I would have remembered; had he actually told me. So the good news is, one of us might have early-onset Alzheimer's; and the Vegas money is on Jeff K.

And thanks to Facebook's great job of reminding me about people's birthdays, I found out that this Sunday is TRENT'S BIRTHDAY!!! So YAY!!! Happy Birthday T-rent(aka Trey)!! On Sunday you become a man! Mazel Tov!! I got you a fountain pen.

In Krej.tv news, the twitter feeds are live, there are four of us. Beware. Today I'll be working on the about us / contact pages, perhaps just changing one into a multimedia page, for trailers, movies, etc. so stay tuned.


In other unrelated news, I can't stop listening to the b-side of Atlast Sound's "Logos". Quick Canal is such a great track.



Well it took a ton of sorting through code, but I've finally got the daily scuttlebutt and http://www.krej.tv looking the way I want and working together cooperatively. Rather than make the domain dns forward to the blog, I've retained hosting powers for the other pages by just interfacing with the blog, and all other pages will be hosted on my server. So eventually we can host movies on our own server and post them into the blog.

Everyone but the thieving stable boy Steven have posting powers here, and as you can see Grantzy & Mr. Whitmire have begun posting. Yay!!

It's about lunch time here, gotta go check the office for packages, and try to figure out something to eat. Tonight there's a new Community and new 30 Rock on NBC. that should be fun.

Also @ Grantzy, feel free to start tweeting if you like, I've got your account streaming to the twitter-collective page on here. check it out.

With nothing but utter contempt,
Instead of doing what we are paid to do at our day jobs today, me and Thievin Stevin the Stable Boy have been kicking around ideas for a buddy sci-fi comedy.

Also it looks like Friday we are doing a live read of the new Tim and Katie script. The only bad thing about it is ol Trent won't be there because of his day job (in this case night job).
Trent just flipped his shit over a tiny spider.
Ok so here is whats poppin' on my end of the board. LOST, Dear Jesus that show has got me hooked. I never watched it until about a week ago and now I rarely find myself going to bed before 7 am. Other than that I've been tryin' to work on a script for an Idea I have, Grantzy is helpin' me here and there. On the brighter side of news today has sucked.
Edit: And I get to deal with Grantzy's sister tonight. Good.

That's it for now,
Mr. Whitmire.
If anybody goes on the IMDb page for Tim and Katie, at the bottom there are a few movies that IMDb recommends if you are a fan of our movie. Among those movies are Hocus Pocus, and Signs. I find this funny. Also, I find it funny that if you click on Josh's name it says he played a character named Jojo in a movie called Brooklyn's Finest. That bastard. I auditioned for Jojo.

Yah!! This is my first post.

R.I.P. Jimmy Lee Lindsey Jr. aka Jay Reatard.

A sense of profound sadness has rolled over KREJ HQ at the loss of our brother-in-garagepunk-arms, Jay Reatard. His body was found early this morning in his home in Memphis, TN, where I grew up, he was only 29 years young.

The final song on Jay Reatard's most recent album from Matador, 'Watch Me Fall', entitled "A Whisper/There is no sun". The world not only lost one of its' most awesome young musicians, but a true artist for art's sake. Someone whom I never met, but felt like a kindred spirit, a rambunctious malcontent with a love for noise and punk. I am truly at a loss for words.

Rest in peace Jay.
Well, looks like this is what KREJ is going to roll with as far as a blog, you can view our full page at http://www.krej.tv, but it's still in progress.

I didn't get too much work done today on the trailer for Tim & Katie. And I found out IMDB wants 35 bucks to post one singular image on our movie's page as a poster. So eff all that. I did listen to a buttload of Jay Reatard while trying to get all this blog stuff sorted out. I'm pretty pleased with the current blogger template I've got right now, it took some editing, which was fun.

No clue what the plans are for this evening, but Friday The Grub will be arriving from Columbus, and we will be having a mid-sized table read for the newest version of the Tim & Katie Redux script.

Invites are out to Jeff K, Jeff G, Steven and Trent, so hopefully sometime soon those morons will check their emails, and start posting on here as well. I shan't hold my breathe though.

Gonna make a page with multiple twitter widgets some time late tonight / tomorrow, for easily viewing the twitter feeds of KREJ members, right now I think Jeff K and myself are the only ones on there very often, but perhaps with all this blogging and whatnot we can convince the other lads to tweet. But I'd settle for them posting on the blog if I have to choose.
Hello there! Here are the 3 segments of Stevie T's original short film, Saving Suburbia, featuring the knuckleheads of KREJ Productions.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
