Who will it be???

The month is winding down, and what a month it has been for d-baggery. Every player has given it their all, and left everything on the field. Just in case you missed it, I'll give you a recap.

Jeff Kaminski has pleased his fans by making a strong start in the early weeks by attempting to write philosophy...who cares Jeff? Not only did he decide to be a pretentious asshole, but he passed up two, count them, two girls who for some ungodly reason were showing some interest in him, thus he won major d-bag points there.

Not to be out done, the other Jeff had a strong start in March by making me drive allll the waaay back from Atlanta to Lawrenceville, then aalllll the waaay back to Atlanta for no damn reason. In an even more stunning turn of events, our own Jeff Grantz managed to up his game by starting a rap group.....a RAP GROUP, need I say more?... I will, it looks as though Grantz will be attempting to pull off an impressive two month victory.

I did manage to get on the score board for multiple accounts of shooting Nerf darts at unarmed civilians, and not showing up at places when I was invited, and not bothering to pick up my phone. While both Jeffs and myself offer up amazing examples of d-baggery they will both have to contend with the astonishing amount of points scored by Jerry, who for some reason decided to take a two week vacation from.....??

So as of now it seems as though Jerry is in the lead, but there has been promise of a last minute victory by our first month winner Trent. What could he be hiding up his sleeves? We have already seen his balls too much, so showing us again would just be amateur hour, he will have to pull out all the stops if wants the title back in his slimy grasp. Its heating up to be one for the record books, that's for sure!

STAY TUNED NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(edited for mass comprehension by Jerry)

Back in the USSR.. err the ATL!

Well hello there folks! I'm comin' atcha from KREJ HQ, I have once again returned to my domicile, after a lovely near-two week stint of visiting Greg & Hannah down in Savannah, GA.

Also, a belated Happy St. Paddy's Day to you all!! This weekend will bring many things, one of them, the arrival of Da Grub. Another being a St. Paddy's party this weekend with some friends coming over to KREJ HQ. It should be quite the blast, as you kids say.

Unfortunately, there still exists a problem with our internet, and I am currently using our apartment complex's internet cafe wifi network, so it's slow as dog molasses.

I saw a bunch of movies/films while I was down in Savannah. Among them, Crazy Heart; which was every bit of excellent I hoped it would be. Mr. Bridges was nothing short of superb in his role as an old, busted up country singer trying to reclaim a slice of fame and joy in his musical career, battling the super evils/terribleness of more modern 'nu-country', as well as a beastly case of alcoholism.

I also watched Boondock Saints II : All Saints Day. It was pretty alright; as most people would tell you, not as good as the first, but still enjoyable. Plenty of action, a couple plot twists/reveals, and the usual helping of what us guys love most, guns, swearing, blood and more swearing.

Did a little more design work in planning for the poster we are putting together for Hero Sandwich. Really excited about working on that! Also changed my personal site design like 3 times. So yay?!

In my email inbox is a short version of our feature length script Rat Bastards. Will probably try and read it tonight, or else someone is gonna give me the third degree. Read your scripts people send you kids!

Until next time,

Diatribe? I'll give it a try...

Despite paying the people at At and T good/quasi hard earned money, I find myself without internet. But wait a second Jeff, if you don't have internet how are you blogging? Easy answer, I am "borrowing" ze inter web. Jerry is also out of town so no one is here during the day to try and fix it. Not totally sure how this situation will resolve itself, but I am sure I will figure something out.

So what's been going on at Krej? As always a lot of a little things. First and foremost I just got back from Savannah (which is where Jerry still is), I spent the weekend celebrating my mother's 50th birthday. That's a hard concept to process, time flies by so fast sometimes. I had a great time, and my mom really enjoyed herself.

On behalf of the Krej crew HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!! I love you very much and appreciate all you do for me and the guys at Krej (she kept us well fed and alive during the "Tim and Katie" production).

Whilst I was in Savannah I didn't miss the opportunity to work. I know the concept that someone as profoundly lazy as myself would work on vacation might have you feeling a bit light headed. So take a moment and let that sink, when you are ready we can start again.

OK, that was plenty of time for you to recuperate, now where was I? Oh yea, Savannah. My good friend Hannah lives there, so I got to spend some time with her talking about "Hero Sandwich". And got to watch her draw some concepts for "Titanium Cranium". Hannah is an excelent artist and I am very glad to be working with her on this.

Also while on the way down I was able to lock down my summer project. Over the past two months I have been toiling away on various short scripts. They weren't bad ideas, but I couldn't get anything to stick. And finally I had a eureka moment!

My grand scheme is to take my feature length script "Rat Bastards" and cut it down to 20-30 pages and film it! Obviously I will rewrite a lot of this, it's not going to be a copy and paste process. I plan on adding some new characters, taking some out and reworking the plot (but keep it similar in tone to the original).

I am going to spend this week working on the script and try and hammer a rough draft out. Once that is done it will be time to start rounding up the cast/crew. The goal is to film early summer (I had the same goal for "Tim and Katie" but we didn't start production until mid July for many reasons). So anyone in the Atlanta area who wants to help out give me a shout and I will keep you up to date.

Speaking of "Tim and Katie", we are going to add a new page to website. It's going to be a section where the director of each project critiques their own work. So expect articles from me and Steven concerning our films.

Before I digress, I would like to point out that in an earlier blog I praised the writing of "Hurt Locker". And lo and behold what has happened, that film's writer took away an Oscar. Definitely glad it beat out "Avatar" for best picture as well. Whelp time to hit the dusty trail, take it easy Krej Heads!

Hey there!

So a lot of little things going on in full and half swing, got a couple films in writing and heading for pre-production phases, as well as Hero Sandwich work chugging along.

Make sure you head on over to the KREJ video page to check out our newest item, the trailer for Tim & Katie as well as Saving Suburbia if you haven't yet seen it. which if you don't know what that is, or haven't yet seen the IMDB page, go here.

Headed to Savannah, GA for the weekend & next week, will be hanging with Hannah all next week, yay! So smell ya later!


well well well, look who finally decided to post, I'm gonna pretend it took me so long to post because i was waiting for something important to say... and i am. after lots of debating and research i am here to announce the dbag of the month for February, and the winner is...."Jeff Grantz" (i put quotes in on purpose because im not sure hes real).Jeff pulled out a flawless victory for the the second month of the year completely destroying all in his path with an unheard of amount of dbaggery, truly no one else stood a chance against this he man of douches. Most shocking is the absence of Jeff kaminski in the 2010 games as most of his "fans" thought he would have the first two months in his back pocket. But not to worry because the year is far from over and I'm sure that kaminski has a few tricks up his sleeve, and by tricks i mean poop. but not to be out done i will be upping my game for march as i myself have my eye on the douche bag of the year prize...and ill destroy any and all of you to get it.
on a more personal side note i am currently well into my summer project entitled "the last atlantian" a mocumentary about the last son of atlantis. it should shock and thrill all of you im sure.
on an even more personal note i will soon be starting improv class at the relapse theatre in order to improve my acting skills. I will also be taking classes over at sketchworks for on camera work, i am very excited and i have to personally thank atkins for helping me all the info and inspiration to take classes and carla for pushing me to take that big step forward and do something important.