Cutting it Close


As I promised I would try and get around to posting more then once a month. And here I am at the last moment fulfilling my promise. Cutting it close? Maybe, but that's how we roll at Krej Productions!

So what's been going on at the scuttlebutt? As always a lot!

Starting casting for my new movie "Of Rats and Men". I have just a few roles left to fill. The big difference between this production and "Tim and Katie" is we are going outside our pool of friends to bring in actors. Thankfully Steven, Trent and Grantzy have been taking improv classes and have met new/talented people to help fill our ranks.

Another big change is the use of more locations. Which is proving to be the Achilles' heel. We are desperate for a house we can film in for a weekend, and a Pest Exterminator's office we can film in for about a day. The idea with all this new stuff is to up our production value. We want each film to be better then the last in some way.

In other production news Hannah Davis has begun story boarding the "Hero Sandwich" short. With a little bit of luck we will be able to show you more much sooner then later.

How about them Braves? Been hard to watch the 8 game loosing streak. But it's only April, and I have this deranged gut feeling that they are going to turn things around on May. Go Bravos!

For the three of you who keep up with the "Douchebag of the Month" competition, I have some news. Young Steven Tuechert is well on his way to clinching his first win. He easily has my vote. So if over the weekend he declares himself winner, he has my support.

As for the long lost "Director's Critiques" of "Tim and Katie" I will be honest with you. I haven't worked on it one bit. Not enough time on my end. Pre-Production for Rats has been taking up my time. And I feel that is infinitely more important. But if the stars align and I find some free time I will try and finish it up (when I last stopped I was about halfway done).

Last but not least, Jerry did a great job adding the "Talents" page to the website. Just needed to give him some props. Also if you want to help out with our summer productions let us know!

Peace out Krej Heads!
Your Hero,
Big Daddy K

P.S. You STILL need to listen to Titus Andronicus, that band has been getting me through a very craptastic week.

T&K Update 9000

Greetings and Salutations to you all! It's been a while since I've Scuttlebutt-ed, so I thought I would type up a little something something to keep you all abreast of what's been going on here at KREJ HQ.

For starters, things are in full-swing for pre-production for 'Of Rats And Men', our short-format version of Rat Bastards. We are gathering actors and actresses, and the script is almost finalized, and we have begun scouting for locations. We still need a couple more Actors and one Actress, so click up top under the Scuttlebutt title to go to our talent page, or just click here for details on the project, as well as more in depth information on what, or rather whom we are looking for.

In Tim & Katie news, we have made a new edit of the film, trimming some fat so to speak. The new run time clocks in at 50 minutes ( the original was 59 ), and in addition to a faster pace, there is more color correction and a better look and feel to the video, as well as better sound work. We'll be sending out this new version to film festivals as early as this/next week! So cross your fingers! Below are a couple pictures to show off the new look.

(It should also be noted, in payment for the quick turn-around on this baby, Steven bought me a chocolate cake. <3 )

One Love,

Bored to Death

Hi everybody!

Friends of ours, and occasional collaborators, Eyes Entertainment have posted their 1st Quarter demo reel on their website. You may be asking yourself, how is this KREJ related? If so, then that's fantastic, because that means someone other than the 5 idiots here at KREJ are reading this thing. The answer is, featured in this demo reel are clips from the most recent KREJ Project, "Bored," a short film which I wrote and directed, and that stars KREJ usual suspects Jerry, Trent, and Steven, and KREJ first-timer Eric Colom. The demo reel also features some clips from a film that Trent and I worked crew on for a couple days, entitled "The Morning After," which we had a lot of fun working on.

The link for the demo reel is:

The Cinematographer for Eyes Entertainment, one Hakim Robinson, did a great job on all of these projects. They really look amazing. I swear, if we had just one shot at it, we'd steal his camera in a heartbeat (just kidding Hakim).

We encourage you to give it a watch, and leave them some feedback on their website, which is:

And for those of you wondering when you might get a chance to see "Bored," a dark comedy in the format of an extended movie trailer (similar to the trailers in Grindhouse), in all it's un-glory, we are currently in the midst of post-production on it, and we'll be throwing it up on the website as soon as it's good and ready, OK?! Back off man!


Want news? Oh I can get ya some news!

Hellowski from the polski!

I trust the nice spring weather is treating all you very nicely. It's been a while since I have posted, but I assure you this has been because of a busy schedule and not laziness. So, where to start, where to start...

OK first things last, I've been doing A LOT of writing lately. Finished up a 1st draft of my summer project "Of Rats and Men". Going to refine it some more in the next few weeks. Also started pre-production on the project. Trying to round up actors and locations. Was able to get Trolle (Tim and Katie gore master) to sign on to help with some special effects stuff we will need for it.

If you happen to know anyone who works at an "Exterminator Company", please let me know. I really need to lock down that location before the end of spring. Also here is some concept art for Steven's character in the film.Pretty neat huh. We have Hannah Davis to thank for that! Everyone give her a round of applause. And while your at it give me one to, I figured out how to post a picture without Jerry having to tell me how to do it.

In more writing news last weekend I also tried an experiment. I wanted to try and see how much of a script I could write over the span of a weekend. The story has been in the back of my head for the past couple of years, and it seemed like a good time to flesh it out. I was able to get the story done and about 60 pages of dialogue. It was fun pushing my mind and body to the limit, there was very little sleep on my end. But it was worth it, I really like the story and can't wait to finish it.

In other Krej writing news, Jeff Grantz and myself have been working with another company developing a TV pilot. It's been an interesting process. We had to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) to start on the project. So legally I can't tell you anything story-wise about it.

What I can tell you is that it was originally to be a feature-length film. A few companies said they would rather do it as a TV show, So the company put out a call for writers. Thankfully someone Grantz and I had previously worked with, put our names in the hat.

So we have been trying to turn the full-length script into a short TV pilot. It's been pretty fun. The producers kind of gave us cart blanche to develop new characters and story arcs. We will be sure to keep you posted on what we can. The plan right now is spend the weekend trying to get a rough draft (last night we finished up a strong outline) done and in the hands of the producers.

In "Tim and Katie" news, Jerry is very close to finishing up a re-edit of the film. This new one should be faster-paced and cut some scenes down that may have dragged on a bit too long. He also did some really nice color correction on it that makes it look amazing.

Also I am going to try and finish up my critique on Tim and Katie in the next week. I am about halfway done with it. Unfortunately it has been somewhat of a low priority as my plate is very full at the moment. You will be able to read this critique in the newly-implemented Critique section of our website. There, KREJ Directors will self-critique their projects, and offer up all sorts of insight into the various stages of production. Rumor has it Steven is writing one up for Saving Suburbia, KREJ's first short film we worked on.

Whelp time to be hitting the ole dusty trail. I will be doing my best to post more this month, but no promises. Take it easy Krej Heads!
-Jeff K

P.S. If you haven't heard of the band "Titus Andronicus" go listen to them right now. They have an album named "An Airing of Grievances", like from the "Festivus" episode of Seinfeld. If that hasn't sold you on them, you might be in dire need of intense psychiatric help.

He did it ladies and germs

Well with a new month comes a new champion, in the form of jeryy assberger. Pulling now punches and delivering a showstopping preformance last month jerry managed to beat out every other competitor for the douche bag glory. his prize for this accomplishment for this feat is a free can of axe body spray