Oh how bleezy the nights are.

So, we finished a full table read tonight, and we were blessed with the all mighty GRUB reading Katie's line. Oh how steamy His and Steven's romance scenes were. It went awesome. The night was then followed up by a very steep downward spiral as the Kaminskinator, GRUB, and JeHeary (a.k.a. Jerry) wondered down the long and lonesome road of alcohol. Luckily they are alive, I got this info from Kamonster-minksi called me and wispered sweet drunkin' nothings in my ear. Jeheheeehairy ( a.k.a. Jerry) just mentioned he was losing a battle against vomit. NOICE.

Yours truly,
Mr. Whitmire


Grantzy said...

That sounds about right.

Matt said...

still haven't lost the battle, but I feel it could happen at any moment.

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